All of us dog lovers were initially worried about dog bites. I could not understand which was a bite of love and which was a bite of anger. We used to prevent our children from going near the dog because of this fear, not knowing when the dog might bite them. Slowly, I started to understand everything, and now I give tips about it to everyone.
What are the types of dog bites?
If I say that dog bites are different, it’s because a dog often bites its owner in love, which we call a “Love Bite.” Again, he gives a kind of strange bite when he wants something, which we call a “Want Bite.” There are many other bites that we observe in our dogs. Most bites do us no harm, but if we do not understand the meaning behind their bites, we will fail to understand their intentions, and they may give up hope of getting a response from us. So, we should try to understand the meaning of their bites as much as possible.
Habitual bites in dogs can be identified. Some dogs develop a habit of biting intentionally. We should teach them who we are.
How to prevent bites?
Those of us who start from puppyhood will be able to deal with this very easily. We can guide them from a young age. If the puppy bites while playing or in excitement, give a high-pitched “yelp” or “ouch” and stop playing. He will understand and remember it after a few instances. As soon as you notice he is changing his behavior, reward him with gentle play and discourage hard bites.
Buy him some balls and toys from the store that he can chew or bite. This way, you can redirect his biting behavior very easily. The main thing is that we should always try to redirect their biting to appropriate objects.
How to mentally control dog bites?
What do we really mean when we say it’s a mental matter? We mean controlling the mind calmly. Is this it? Yes, we can do it using some very simple techniques. We have to show the dog that we are good to him and that we always wish him well. When you are able to convince him of this, you will psychologically become his friend or favorite. To achieve this, you can provide a new, safe environment and a comfortable bed for him, which will give him a sense of security.
Monitoring progress
We must always monitor our dog. What does he do? What does he eat? Where does he go? Who does he go with? Does he play? Who does he play with? How is he playing? What does he like to eat? It is important for us to monitor these behaviors. By monitoring, we can address any issues ourselves.
If you have any questions about this, please email us. Thank you.